
otl , avatar

End-to-End Arguments In System Design

Awesome paper clearly articulated.

This article reminds me how demoralising finding work feels for me sometimes. I wish I could put something on a résumé that says I appreciate this kind of system thinking. Who cares how many years of programming in a specific language, or which "well-known" companies someone has worked at? It feels like hiring journalists based on their years of experience with pencils.

@programming #programming

solrize ,

A classic from 1981.

otl OP , avatar

@solrize 43 years young.

When I hear people talk about system issues (e.g. complex microservice architectures) I thought it was all cutting-edge problems of cutting-edge tech. Looks like people have been running into the same things for decades!


otl , avatar

Why We Can't Have Nice Software

From Andrew R. Kelley, he's the author of the Zig language


pkill ,
BilboBargains ,

The vast majority of people are techno illiterate, even within firms that make technology. A handful of people (relatively speaking) are making most of the stuff. Everyone else is just feeding that process. The legal system is set up to motivate the concealment of information about products. You cannot find the documentation to repair embedded systems, even if you have the desire to fix them and the 'right to repair'.

In our village we have a wildly popular 'repair cafe' where people bring their faulty electrical items to be repaired by volunteers. People don't want to toss their duff appliances in landfill but we need the tools and education.

otl , avatar

Profile Guided optimisation with Go
An article from a mate of mine from the Sydney Go programmers meetup (in Australia). #golang


josh , avatar
canpolat , avatar

Oh yes, the perfect programming language.

peyotecosmico ,

I been waiting for something like this my whole life

josh , avatar

Looks like you can follow entire lemmy communities right in mastodon. I followed @programming and all posts to that community are showing up in my feed.

lascapi , avatar

Right! I did it. That’s super nice. 🤩

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